Thursday, April 18, 2013

How I Get What I Want With Vision Boards and How You Can Too

You should see my bedroom wall. I've got four poster boards, covered front and back with images from magazines and words that I've written in magic marker. Some boards are packed full; others have lots of space. How I lay out images and words depends on my mood, the theme, and where I am on my life's journey.

These poster boards are my vision boards. I first learned of the concept when I was a little girl watching my mom make a treasure map for herself and my sister. Each was a collage of magazine photographs. I remember the word "happy" being on one of the treasure maps. :-)

The idea of a treasure map or vision board is to switch your brainwaves and consciousness to a level where you believe that what you desire can possibly happen.

My son, Kendryek, and I created a vision board together in 2007. We both wanted to go on the Disney Cruise. I printed out photographs of different angles of the Disney Cruise ship, with particular focus on the Mickey Mouse hand sliding board on the top deck, Disney characters dancing on stage, our stateroom, the huge dining halls, the luxurious-looking bathroom, the Disney Hall of Fame, etc. We looked at this board every night at dinner and sang the song, "M I C K E Y ... M O U S E ... Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck!), Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck!) Forever let us hold us hold our banner high, high, HIGH!" And I'd say, "Kendryek, look at our room! And our balcony!" And he'd say, "C'mon, Mom, let's go swimming in the pool!" We acted as if we were already on the cruise having a ball. Anyone who saw us would've thought we were looney (pun intended).

Now, there was a part of me that believed that MAYBE we'd get on this cruise in 5-10 years, and another part of me that believed it could somehow miraculously happen sooner, EVEN THOUGH I had only saved up $65 towards the cruise, and Kendryek had save up $123 towards the cruise. (We needed a few thousand more for the cruise!)

Well, it did happen sooner. In the summer of 2009, as I was going through some heavy grief over the loss of my mom, I told a friend that I had to get out of town for a break. He asked where I wanted to go. I casually said the Disney Cruise would be nice. He said, "I'll take you and Kendryek." And he was serious. My friend treated us to every aspect of our Disney Cruise vacation, including airfare, time in Cape Canaveral before, time at Sea World after ... and I am forever thankful to him and God for that.

Now you may think, I don't have a friend with that kind of money and generosity. It doesn't matter. When you truly believe and put all of your heart into your desire, it will happen. As your brainwaves and consciousness change, Providence Moves too!. The Universe orchestrates people, time, opportunities in your favor. I have many other examples of how it has happened for me.

You can hear my examples and find out how to create your own vision board at our monthly Vision Board Playshops. Keeping with this month's theme of GET JAZZED ABOUT YOUR LIFE, our playshop is called

Vision-boarding: Get Into the Rhyhtm of Your Dream Life
$45 includes light organic snack
April 27th, from 1:30 - 4:00pm

I will guide you with creating your own vision board and taking steps towards manifesting the life that you desire, whether it's wanting an island vacation, wanting to change careers, wanting to improve your health, wanting a better relationship with family members or a significant other ... anything you want can be yours! I'll help take the steps to manifesting what you desire.

Once you become immersed in this vision board activity, you're on your way to matching the frequency of your life to the images and words that you choose.


Click on the drop down menu below to register:

April Playshops

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