Wednesday, October 1, 2014

  • You know how you find yourself getting frustrated with your daughter or son? 
  • You find that you get so busy with their activities that it seems like life focuses on juggling calendars and trying to fit everything in? 
  • Do you find yourself giving orders and forgetting to praise your child often enough? 

Self-esteem expert Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, cites a study that says 80 percent of children entering school in the first grade scored high on the self-esteem inventory. By the fifth grade, only 20 percent of them were scoring high. And by the time they graduated high school, that number was down to just 5 percent.

Reclaim your inner peace as you set up your child for success and raise your child's self-esteem. 

Help create a happier child with these affirmations sent automatically to your phone each week for you to send to your child's cell or smartphone. Tailor the texts according to your child's interests and hobbies.

Only $1.99 for weekly texts 5 times per month! Renew monthly for continued praise and appreciation. ADD YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL NAME ON THE SIGN UP PAGE, AND THAT SCHOOL WILL RECEIVE 50% OF THE SALE. GREAT SCHOOL FUNDRAISER!

Click here to purchase and sign up

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Increase Passion, Desire and Loving: Free Event

It’s that time of year when we find ourselves taking a critical look at our lives – and for most of us, our relationship comes under scrutiny. 

Maybe you’re asking yourself: Is this it? Where’s the passion, the excitement and the love we once felt for each other? Is this all there is? 

Well, take heart and know that the possibilities only end when we stop reaching, stretching and evolving. Every good relationship undergoes struggle and moments when it feels like it’s dead on the vine. 

If there’s still an interest, a spark of hope and desire for deep connection and passion, there’s a way. And that’s why two of my colleagues are creating a FREE online event for the evolution of love and desire called: The Passion Evolution Summit: Unlock the Keys to Lasting Love, Relationship & Sex!” It’s like a Sunday brunch for relationship tools, inspiration and exciting new possibilities. 

Sign up here: and get some of their Pre-summit, interviews, or buy the recording package as a Valentine’s gift. 
P.S. Most of us are looking at our relationship and asking: What’s in this for me? Instead of asking: What can I bring to love, to us? Enjoy the summit! It’s going to be evolutionary!