Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Who Will Be My Next Boyfriend?

Anyone who's known me for awhile knows that I've had a couple of boyfriends throughout my life. Okay, more than a couple. One wonderful boyfriend became my husband of 10 years. There were so many great days during our marriage, and then it was time to take a new path. I've had a few more boyfriends since, including the man who helped me create my beautiful son, Kendryek. Along with these relationships have come the heightened awareness about exactly what and whom I'm attracting into my life.

Someone reading the list of traits and pictures of my ideal boyfriend/partner that I've written on my vision board might say, "Gosh you expect a lot!" Well, yes. Yes I do.

I don't remember when I first created a vision board towards my ideal romantic partner, but I've been updating and tweaking my board ever since. Each time I've updated my vision board, I emphasize what I like about an ideal partner and relationship based on what I've recently experienced in a relationship. And each time I enter a new relationship, I get about 95% of what I ask for!

I'm not kidding! A wonderful man walks into my life, and I think, "Wow. He has the traits that are on my vision board!" And when the relationship has ended, I think, "Okay, I need to add ___________ (fill in the blank) to my board for the next relationship."

What is a vision board? A vision board is a board (poster board, canvas, construction paper, etc) on which you place images and words of the what or who you desire to manifest in your life. I have a vision board for career, health, finances, family, home, vacation, etc. You cut out images from magazines, write words in magic marker, add anything you want. The point is the process of immersing yourself in the idea of what you desire, putting feeling into it, imagining, believing, and being open to receiving.

So what's on my vision board?

Come to this Saturday's Vision Board Playshop to find out! And create your own vision board, whether you're currently in a romantic relationship and the relationship needs a lift; or you've been in a relationship for decades and want to redefine your relationship; or you are looking for someone new to complement your life.

For men and women alike!

Keeping with this month's theme of Surrounding Yourself With Love, our playshop is called

Passion Vision-boarding: Piece Together the Relationship You Desire
$42 includes light organic snack
February 23rd, from 1:30 - 4:00pm

Certified Dreambuilder Coach, Alexandria Pederson, and I will guide you with taking the steps to manifest the partner and relationship of your dreams. Once you become immersed in this vision board activity, you're on your way to matching the frequency of your life to the images and words that you choose.

All you have to do after that is receive your new relationship!

Click the "Buy Now" button below to register by Friday, February 22nd, or call 540/685-2975:

Vision Board Playshops

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A New Direction

So for years, since junior high school, I've been walking or jogging around the Patrick Henry High School track in Roanoke, VA. In high school, I'd jog daily at 6am. After moving away from home, when I'd come home to visit, I'd jog or walk. The track is set into the woods, and I love listening to the birds sing, feel the warmth of the sun on my face, gaze at the mountain skyline in the distance, and express gratitude for each part of my body, helping me complete another lap. And lately, I've been practicing what I preach by visualizing outstanding health while I walk: what outstanding health feels like, what outstanding health looks like, what outstanding health sounds like, etc.

I've always walked or run in the same direction. UNTIL YESTERDAY! As I approached the track, I saw a woman jogging in the OPPOSITE direction! I watched her for a moment and thought, "WHY have I never thought to do that?" And it occurred to me how easily I get into a routine. Which serves me well, and may serve you well too! But something inside me was craving a switch in routine, so I did something radical and started walking, for the first time ever, in the opposite direction, against the grain! I smiled and mentally thanked the woman for opening a new door for me to spice things up a bit!

So starting yesterday, I'm walking in a new direction...which has inspired me to choose the movie, "Groundhog Day," with Bill Murray (remember this funny movie?) for our March movie discussion and exotic tasting! "Groundhog Day" is about doing the same thing over and over and over until you make a change towards positive growth. How sometimes it takes doing the same thing over and over and over for us to realize that we're even in a rut, and that the slightest change can get us out and in a new direction.

I encourage you to also find a way, large or small, to make a change in your life towards positive growth. Even if it's to take a slightly different route on your way to work, the store, or picking up your kid from school.

And mark your calendars for Sunday, March 10th, from 2:00 - 4:30pm, at Valley Community Church to enjoy exotic organic treats while you watch clips from "Groundhog Day" and discuss some of its messages.

Don't forget this Sunday's showing of "Chocolat," including discussion and a chocolate feast! Register by Friday the 8th in the blog below.

Have a fantastic new day!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Watch "Chocolat" and Enjoy a Chocolate feast!

What better way to celebrate the love of Valentine's Day than with a

Grab a friend and come enjoy chocolate treats that are


prepared by Local Roots, S&W Cafe, and Luxuria's own Holistic Health Coach, Karen Scott.

A sampling of our exotic menu:
` Chocolate goat cheese log
` Dried apricots dipped in chocolate
` and more!

Watch clips of the movie, "Chocolat," and join in the discussion about the movie's messages of celebrating differences, self-approval, forgiveness of self and others, and enjoying life's simple pleasures.

Be good to yourself! 

Sunday, February 10th
Valley Community Church (behind Oak Grove Plaza on 419). 
$20 per person; $35 per couple.

Reserve your seat in advance by February 8th by clicking the "Buy Now" button below. 

Chocolate Feast for 1

Chocolate Feast for 2